1.   Surveys of adopters consistently highlight the need for pre-placement support and preparation.

2.   The report highlighted the need for prison reform.

3.   Their study also highlights unmet needs similar to those mentioned in other reports.

4.   This also highlights the need to find an effective treatment, particularly as diagnosis is not relatively straight forward.

5.   This case highlights the need for tougher laws on gun ownership.

6.   This increased public concern has highlighted the need for greater information and understanding of these issues.

v. + need >>共 626
meet 9.07%
stress 7.96%
have 5.74%
see 5.55%
eliminate 5.28%
reduce 2.92%
emphasize 2.82%
understand 2.30%
address 2.06%
underscore 2.06%
highlight 1.25%
highlight + n. >>共 809
problem 4.69%
need 4.34%
difference 3.55%
issue 2.93%
concern 2.27%
importance 2.03%
danger 1.95%
plight 1.80%
fact 1.56%
difficulty 1.45%
每页显示:    共 110