1.   Colonel Spratt highlighted the importance of the qualification for people planning a career in Marketing.

2.   Sacks etal highlighted the importance of prostatic disease as a preventable and treatable cause of renal failure.

3.   Second, it highlighted the importance of active participation by elderly people themselves in all aspects of course planning.

4.   Such an incident highlights the importance of clarity and definition of language, both between professionals and with clients.

5.   The back highlights the importance of using caution and suggests how to use the card.

6.   These findings highlight the importance of peer pressures in adolescence.

7.   This again serves to highlight the importance of the cut-off point in determining estimates of illness prevalence.

8.   Pignatelli et al have, in particular, highlighted the importance of ECM receptors to tumour behaviour.

9.   To highlight the importance of giving practical help to people who are in any kind of need.

10.   We assess the factors behind the development of the markets, highlighting the importance of the regulatory environment and investor preferences.

v. + importance >>共 275
stress 19.92%
emphasize 8.08%
understand 5.33%
underscore 3.57%
recognize 3.22%
attach 2.58%
know 2.37%
have 2.26%
downplay 2.14%
place 2.11%
highlight 1.52%
highlight + n. >>共 809
problem 4.69%
need 4.34%
difference 3.55%
issue 2.93%
concern 2.27%
importance 2.03%
danger 1.95%
plight 1.80%
fact 1.56%
difficulty 1.45%
每页显示:    共 52