1.   All have similarities in settlement pattern and in social organization, with unilineal descent systems and chiefdom organization.

2.   Every program would have similarities on its menu bars, and similar commands.

3.   The two towns have many similarities.

4.   The dog gall bladder epithelial cells have similarities to bovine in a number of biological characteristics but the method we report in this paper is simpler and quicker.

5.   Mesalazine has structural similarities to aspirin and phenacetin and is nephrotoxic when given intravenously in high doses to rats.

6.   After all, electronic communications has many similarities to the oral technologies which pre-dated the written word.

7.   The structure has similarities to one half of the double roller eddy of wakes.

8.   MESSAGES left by the kidnapper of a Birmingham estate agent and the killer of a Leeds teenager had similarities, a murder trial jury was told today.

9.   Although the two events have slowly evolved to have more similarities, their backgrounds and purpose could hardly be more different.

10.   Although police have not suggested what religious tradition may have been involved, the incident has similarities to a fatal exorcism in Northern California last year.

v. + similarity >>共 96
have 17.06%
see 16.41%
share 7.13%
find 6.26%
bear 6.26%
note 4.75%
bore 3.02%
strike 2.81%
notice 2.59%
show 1.94%
have + n. >>共 1145
chance 2.31%
problem 2.14%
trouble 1.82%
right 1.67%
plan 1.46%
idea 1.28%
lot 1.20%
time 1.09%
child 1.04%
power 1.04%
similarity 0.02%
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