1.   But then the Palestinians hardened their stance.

2.   In the pitched firefights of the last two days, their fears were realized and they hardened their stances.

3.   Responding to the dramatic change in tone from Washington, Japan, too, has recently hardened its stance toward North Korea.

4.   The rival bidders for Warner-Lambert hardened their stances, reaffirming their commitments to complete a deal and taking steps to wage proxy and legal fights.

5.   This nonbinding resolution forced the administration to harden its stance toward developing countries.

6.   And Democrats have hardened their stance against the measure, objecting to what they see as heavy-handed lobbying tactics by Bush and his allies.

7.   Barak, in turn, has hardened his stance in recent days.

8.   But Iraq, which has hardened its stance against international bodies since the U.S. and British raids last December, announced it would not take part.

9.   But since then, for reasons never explained, the regime has hardened its stance.

10.   But the Serbs only hardened their stance.

v. + stance >>共 181
soften 19.27%
take 11.70%
change 11.60%
harden 3.36%
toughen 3.26%
reiterate 2.97%
reverse 2.59%
support 2.21%
reconsider 2.01%
maintain 1.92%
harden + n. >>共 123
position 20.60%
stance 8.79%
attitude 7.54%
heart 4.77%
resolve 4.27%
opposition 3.02%
line 2.26%
tone 2.26%
rhetoric 1.76%
steel 1.76%
每页显示:    共 35