1.   Banking executives hailed the move, saying that it would save money on legal fees and time spent waiting for deals to be approved.

2.   Both moves were hailed by Republican leaders as energizing and bold, and acknowledged even by Democrats to be politically canny.

3.   Civil rights analysts hailed the move.

4.   Clinton himself and Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin hailed the move as a major assault in the war on drugs.

5.   Democrats hailed the move even as they struggled to figure out their own next move.

6.   During the December rights issue, the company hailed its move into telecommunications, through Omnitel and its Infostrada long-distance venture with Bell Atlantic Corp., as the future.

7.   Financial advisers hail the move as the most significant tax change for many people in more than a decade.

8.   Human rights activists hailed the move as a positive step but have cautioned that its long-term impact will depend upon how much access the government grants.

9.   In terms of Russian business, where politically influence is as important as sound accounting, the move was generally hailed.

10.   Industry experts hailed the move as impressive and innovative.

v. + move >>共 719
make 20.90%
oppose 4.53%
welcome 3.71%
see 3.66%
announce 2.74%
support 2.63%
aim 2.20%
block 1.85%
criticize 1.61%
consider 1.56%
hail 0.84%
hail + n. >>共 416
decision 8.91%
agreement 5.79%
cab 5.33%
move 4.68%
ruling 3.25%
taxi 3.12%
vote 2.34%
accord 2.02%
result 1.50%
deal 1.43%
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