1.   By opposing even a moderate ban on assault weapons, the gun lobby has overplayed its hand.

2.   We have a Congress that is in thrall to the gun lobby.

3.   The President has strengthened the hand of the gun lobby.

4.   Although Dole promised the gun lobby last year to bring up the repeal in the Senate, he said he would not.

5.   Among the biggest donors were insurance giants, the gun lobby, tobacco companies and the oil and gas industry.

6.   And despite fanfare here and there by the gun lobby this spring, the Midwest will probably stay that way for at least another year.

7.   And he accused the gun lobby of poisoning the political dialogue.

8.   And Gore has repeatedly lashed out at the gun lobby in pushing for stricter gun controls, an issue that women in both parties overwhelmingly support.

9.   And he has backed legislation supported by the gun lobby, or opposed bills that ran counter to its interests, on numerous occasions.

10.   And some also see signs that the gun lobby is, for the moment, trying to tone down some of its more outspoken rhetoric.

n. + lobby >>共 216
hotel 26.88%
gun 17.20%
business 5.67%
tobacco 3.42%
farm 2.54%
industry 1.76%
bank 1.66%
theater 1.37%
small-business 1.08%
entrance 1.08%
gun + n. >>共 443
battle 17.15%
show 6.80%
owner 5.15%
law 4.70%
violence 3.74%
ownership 2.91%
lobby 2.85%
maker 2.57%
manufacturer 2.56%
dealer 2.38%
每页显示:    共 175