1.   Here are a few guidelines on how to conduct an interview.

2.   If anything, I felt the alcohol guideline was more cautionary than before.

3.   One passionate advocate of appraisals is Canon Hardaker, whose lucid guidelines should be compulsory reading for many a line manager.

4.   The first guideline is very important, not only for reducing your weight now but for controlling it in the future.

5.   The only editorial guideline was that the subject should have something to do with leisure software for home computers.

6.   A similar majority, however, deemed the LEA guidelines to have been only reasonably adequate.

7.   The conclusion states that the BIE recommends that embalming of infectious cases should not take place, the guidelines are merely a service to members.

8.   These guidelines are sensible and will undoubtedly exert a beneficial influence on patient care.

9.   Erm, I mean, our pres, our erm, guideline is by level.

10.   But with the summer holidays... and freedom... around the corner the dangers need to be balanced.Crime prevention officers working with children say there are obvious guidelines...

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
people 0.79%
company 0.71%
result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
guideline 0.02%
guideline + v. >>共 239
be 25.02%
say 4.26%
call 3.40%
recommend 3.23%
require 3.23%
include 2.04%
allow 1.87%
apply 1.79%
help 1.70%
stipulate 1.53%
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