1.   Over most of the twentieth century organizations worried about choosing and seizing growth opportunities through adding capacity and people.

2.   He might feel that leveraging the company at a time when he sees tremendous growth opportunities would be a mistake.

3.   ORION is a key growth opportunity for Wimpol, taking us to the forefront of satellite DGPS positioning on a global level.

4.   Catalysts using platinum group metals have already been identified as the most likely technology to meet these requirements, providing an exciting growth opportunity.

5.   As competition in the international brewery industry, intensifies, growth opportunities become fewer and so ingenuity and creative flair become more important.

6.   With such a substantial growth opportunity, ICI, currently the largest European manufacturer, plans to keep well ahead of its competitors.

7.   As for China, future growth opportunities could be unprecedented.

8.   At that time, Cisco Systems was a midsize company grappling with tremendous growth opportunities and an ever changing networking market.

9.   At the same time, theater closings as the big chains shed older properties have created growth opportunities for some regional chains.

10.   Bernheim said two French insurers controlled by Generali, Concorde and La France Vie, will have to be recapitalized to take advantage of growth opportunities.

n. + opportunity >>共 412
business 17.60%
investment 13.89%
job 12.51%
employment 6.46%
career 3.75%
growth 3.56%
power-play 2.45%
market 2.34%
trade 1.67%
work 1.04%
growth + n. >>共 405
rate 23.78%
prospect 5.43%
potential 5.14%
stock 4.85%
area 3.72%
industry 3.39%
figure 3.36%
forecast 3.07%
spurt 2.59%
opportunity 2.31%
每页显示:    共 95