1.   The Market is one of growing complexity, dynamism and openness.

2.   The third has been the provision of an ever-increasing variety of financial instruments needed to support the growing complexity of cross-border transactions.

3.   These changes are paralleled by a growing economic complexity.

4.   The number of departments within each major foreign ministry grew with the growing complexity of the work to be done.

5.   The growing complexity of laws and regulations, with a concomitant increase in form-filling, is an aspect with which I am not directly concerned.

6.   Arms controllers say the growing complexity of the situation calls for a global ban on anti-satellite testing.

7.   Despite its growing complexity, ClarisWorks Office is still the best program for a generalist.

8.   It is all very well to speak of growing complexity, but a time comes when you want a little conceptual edge.

9.   Other experts, citing automation and the growing complexity of global trade relationships, say a changing trade balance does not automatically affect U.S. jobs.

a. + complexity >>共 235
increasing 5.87%
growing 3.33%
technical 3.33%
political 2.54%
great 2.54%
added 2.35%
enormous 2.35%
sheer 2.15%
additional 1.57%
emotional 1.57%
growing + n. >>共 1046
number 13.02%
concern 3.32%
demand 2.65%
pressure 1.77%
problem 1.59%
season 1.57%
market 1.53%
economy 1.41%
popularity 1.21%
list 1.20%
complexity 0.09%
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