1.   A manslaughter conviction would require proof of recklessness or, possibly, gross negligence.

2.   Omissions cases falling within manslaughter by recklessness or gross negligence have also been set apart from cases of positive acts.

3.   The company were guilty of gross negligence.

4.   He said that gross negligence signified indifference to an obvious risk to health and welfare and an appreciation of such risk coupled with a determination to run it.

5.   The term gross negligence was never defined in the cases.

6.   Examples help to show the distinction between carelessness and gross negligence.

a. + negligence >>共 75
criminal 23.72%
gross 17.91%
professional 10.00%
contributory 9.53%
alleged 3.95%
medical 3.72%
possible 3.26%
culpable 3.02%
official 2.09%
simple 1.63%
gross + n. >>共 292
product 40.01%
margin 8.93%
negligence 4.41%
income 2.46%
violation 2.35%
receipt 1.95%
misconduct 1.77%
revenue 1.72%
mismanagement 1.55%
profit 1.43%
每页显示:    共 77