1.   Originally it had gates and walls further out to sea.

2.   There was nothing further to report.

3.   Further to the entry in the January Notes Hilary Weedon is still appealing for clubs which might be spared for a youth club.

4.   As these skills are acquired, by normal developmental socialisation, children will be able to handle successfully texts further to the left of the network.

5.   Further to this was the fresh rise in crude oil prices as the situation in the Gulf seemed to worsen.

6.   As a result, the Republican governor has roared ahead in the polls, leaving Democratic opponent Kathleen Brown ever further to the rear.

7.   Anything further to report?

8.   After the occupation ended, Japanese businessmen took the conglomeration concept a long step further to keiretsu, pronounced kay-RET-soo.

9.   But the composition of the restructured cabinet pitches the Pastrana government somewhat further to the left.

10.   Dole has taken the opportunity to distinguish himself from other GOP contenders who are further to the right.

a. + to >>共 706
open 6.79%
up 5.87%
guilty 4.74%
loyal 4.12%
important 3.80%
prior 2.70%
able 2.07%
next 1.97%
likely 1.65%
difficult 1.33%
further 0.14%
further + p. >>共 48
in 18.46%
from 12.00%
to 9.00%
along 7.97%
behind 7.69%
down 6.65%
by 6.28%
into 6.19%
on 3.28%
with 2.81%
每页显示:    共 95