1.   At the same time, the preservation movement has grown beyond a fringe element.

2.   But it will always retain the fringe element.

3.   But nearly everyone agrees it would only take a drunken killer or a fringe element with a homemade bomb to wreck the fragile peace process.

4.   During his lifetime, the apolitical Bruckner allowed himself to be supported in part by a dubious pan-Germanic fringe element.

5.   However, he adds, fringe elements have been violent, carrying out such actions as the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.

6.   It served him well in New Hampshire, but it frightened Republican regulars with the prospect of turning the party over to fringe elements.

7.   Now a fringe element, linked by the Internet, is taking it even further.

8.   Not everybody who preaches against big government and federalism encourages the disturbed fringe elements to perform acts of violence.

9.   Only small, marginal fringe elements are nostalgic for the past.

10.   Sprinzak said the extremists of the Hebron Jewish community are a small number, but not a fringe element in Israeli politics.

n. + element >>共 340
design 5.75%
rogue 4.04%
right-wing 2.64%
time 2.48%
core 2.48%
fringe 2.17%
plot 2.17%
story 2.02%
picture 1.86%
surprise 1.55%
fringe + n. >>共 130
group 25.00%
player 9.53%
party 7.42%
candidate 6.57%
element 2.97%
movement 2.54%
meeting 2.33%
organization 2.12%
title 2.12%
character 1.91%
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