1.   A young baby needs small feeds at frequent intervals.

2.   Attempts were made at frequent intervals to contact Mr Clark without success.

3.   Check the call-sign reception at frequent intervals.

4.   Downpipes should be clean and placed at frequent intervals soas to avoid long gutter runs and changes of direction.

5.   Faults occur at less frequent intervals and this means that human maintenance expertise can deteriorate through lack of practice.

6.   Four soldiers with submachine guns patrolled the room, and an officer made his rounds at frequent intervals.

7.   If this is simply a directional gyro it must be synchronised with the magnetic compass at frequent intervals.

8.   In chronic cases the potency is usually administered every alternate day, or less frequent intervals if required.

9.   Inevitably, the incontinent patient needs cleaning and drying at very frequent intervals, to prevent infections such as cystitis.

10.   Sight-seeing tours with guides leave Waverley Bridge at frequent intervals each day.

a. + interval >>共 128
regular 34.45%
frequent 5.12%
brief 4.59%
short 3.89%
irregular 3.71%
long 3.18%
decent 3.18%
longer 1.77%
weekly 1.77%
sunny 1.77%
frequent + n. >>共 1232
target 4.33%
visitor 4.16%
trip 2.41%
visit 2.14%
critic 2.09%
flyer 1.82%
contact 1.67%
clash 1.54%
use 1.50%
guest 1.42%
interval 0.55%
每页显示:    共 29