1.   These grow in size until osmotic and elastic forces balance or, in weak polymers, until fractures occur.

2.   If the material is tough no fracture occurs, and the curve then passes through a maximum or inflection point Y, known as the yield point.

3.   Osteroporosis is more common in patients with inflammatory bowel disease compared with the normal population, and causes significant morbidity when fractures occur.

4.   All three fractures have occurred in the same leg.

5.   All three fractures have occurred in the same leg, just above his ankle.

6.   But the most important aspect in fighting osteoporosis is diagnosing the disease in early stages, well before massive bone loss and fractures occur.

7.   Confirm a diagnosis of osteoporosis if a fracture already has occurred.

8.   Muscle pulls are often associated with loose surfaces, but fractures usually occur because a surface is too hard.

9.   The three previous incidents involved the same section of the aircraft but the fractures originated in an area five inches from where the Delta fracture occurred.

10.   With repeated stress, the bone reaches a point where it can no longer withstand the strain, and a fracture occurs.

n. + occur >>共 919
incident 6.74%
accident 6.06%
attack 4.78%
explosion 4.08%
blast 2.84%
death 2.35%
shooting 2.24%
problem 1.82%
crash 1.75%
injury 1.56%
fracture 0.08%
fracture + v. >>共 37
be 45.52%
occur 8.96%
heal 5.22%
take 3.73%
begin 2.99%
lead 2.24%
prove 2.24%
run 2.24%
hasten 1.49%
care 1.49%
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