1.   No other country in the world allows foreigners to buy its land like this.

2.   The government may do this in order to help exporters, since a low exchange rate will make exports cheaper for foreigners to buy.

3.   Any appreciation of the German and Swiss currencies erodes the competitiveness of German and Swiss exporters by making exports from these countries relatively more expensive for foreigners to buy.

4.   Benpres announced Monday that it will transfer its media companies to its parent company, a move that will allow foreigners to buy its stock.

5.   A shares are reserved for domestic investors, while B shares can be bought by foreigners.

6.   For portfolio investors, however, it lags behind Oman, Kuwait and Bahrain, which already allow foreigners to buy shares in listed companies.

7.   Foreigners bought more shares in South Korean shares than they sold.

8.   Foreigners can buy Palestinian shares through six brokerage firms in Ramallah and Nablus.

9.   ING Bank also said this week it will sell ruble-denominated promissory notes that foreigners can buy.

10.   It will allow foreigners to buy state-owned banks and other financial firms as they are privatized.

n. + buy >>共 1188
investor 11.84%
people 7.38%
company 7.04%
consumer 3.69%
customer 3.04%
money 2.78%
government 2.08%
trader 1.95%
fund 1.52%
bank 1.30%
foreigner 0.64%
foreigner + v. >>共 426
be 20.75%
have 4.50%
buy 2.81%
own 2.66%
come 1.89%
take 1.79%
leave 1.64%
hold 1.33%
get 1.28%
invest 1.23%
每页显示:    共 55