1.   An erroneous report that Russian forces had shot down a Norwegian missile sent the market down sharply early, he said.

2.   Belgrade claimed its forces had shot down a second NATO warplane, but this was denied by the Pentagon.

3.   Belgrade claimed its forces had shot down a second NATO plane, but this was not immediately confirmed.

4.   Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld denied Monday claims by the Taliban that their forces had shot down two American helicopters and captured members of the U. S. Special Forces.

5.   Earlier in the day, Israeli security forces shot at two cars traveling in southern Gaza, killing four Palestinians and wounding a fifth.

6.   Hagenbeck said U.S. forces had shot and killed three men who had fired on them first, and that he knew of no other casualties in that raid.

7.   In an unrelated incident, Israeli forces shot and killed an armed Palestinian near a crossing point between Gaza and Israel, the army said.

8.   Indeed, a security cooperation meeting was planned for late Tuesday night between Israeli and Palestinian officers whose forces have been shooting at each other in recent weeks.

9.   Israeli ground forces have shot and bulldozed their way into the casbah, penning Palestinian gunmen into one area, the Al-Yasmieneh, or Jasmine, quarter.

10.   Leaders of the main Islamic group, Hamas, said their forces would not shoot at fellow Palestinians.

n. + shoot >>共 1008
gunman 10.13%
police 9.01%
soldier 7.53%
troop 5.00%
man 3.41%
force 3.01%
militant 2.69%
rebel 1.99%
officer 1.94%
price 1.63%
force + v. >>共 622
be 11.83%
have 2.32%
take 2.23%
say 1.89%
launch 1.87%
fire 1.65%
continue 1.54%
attack 1.38%
kill 1.38%
capture 1.35%
shoot 0.94%
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