1.   -- Forbid states from meeting the new goals for moving people from welfare into work by counting people who leave welfare without a job.

2.   A U.S. Supreme Court decision that forbids states from enacting term limits for federal offices also helped douse the fire.

3.   But HMOs challenged the state law in federal court this year, saying federal laws specifically forbade states from mandating Medicare benefits.

4.   His only vulnerability came from calls he surreptitiously taped while in Florida, a state that forbids such preying on its residents, but the case was easily squelched.

5.   New Hampshire officials attribute part of their predicament to the Republican National Committee for not forbidding states from holding their Republican primaries too close to New Hampshire.

6.   Not only was Benjamin able to continue practicing medicine, but the state was forbidden from publicizing the order revoking his license.

7.   Still, Livshin said the district stood by its argument that allowing the club to meet violates constitutional provisions that forbid the state from establishing a religion.

8.   The first is whether the Constitution forbids states from adding to or altering the qualifications specifically enumerated in the Constitution.

9.   The moratorium forbids states from trying to find new ways of taxing Internet use, like imposing taxes on monthly access charges for Internet service providers.

10.   These taxes are cleverly designed as voluntary payments to get around federal law that forbids states from taxing or regulating employer-run health plans.

v. + state >>共 967
declare 11.37%
leave 2.63%
sue 2.30%
represent 2.03%
establish 1.60%
impose 1.51%
include 1.42%
visit 1.35%
say 1.26%
win 1.10%
forbid 0.19%
forbid + n. >>共 646
use 4.78%
sale 2.33%
discrimination 2.27%
woman 2.02%
company 2.02%
extradition 1.84%
alcohol 1.78%
member 1.47%
practice 1.35%
player 1.04%
state 0.80%
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