1.   She will be working on a wide range of projects for our expanding activities in savoury food ingredients.

2.   Supplements therefore are designed to make up the basic food ingredients and balance them to keep the horse healthy.

3.   Because I found it in an ethnic market, and I collect world food ingredients the way normal people collect stamps, Lladro figurines or lawn gnomes.

4.   Bio-engineered seeds have become food ingredients in everything from cake mixes to salad oil.

5.   Buckwheat, first used as a food ingredient in northern Asia, is actually the fruit of a leafy plant related to the sorrel and rhubarb families.

6.   Burns Philp, which also produces spices and other food ingredients, has rationalized its operations in the United States and Europe.

7.   Dalgety said its pet food business, Spillers, lost market share in the U.K. and sales fell at its food ingredients and animal feed businesses.

8.   Damage to the fall harvest would come as demand for U.S. soybeans to be processed into livestock feed and food ingredients remains robust on the world market.

9.   Damage to the fall harvest would come as demand for U.S. soybeans to be processed into livestock feed and food ingredients is robust.

10.   Crushed soybeans are used in livestock feed and as a food ingredient.

n. + ingredient >>共 158
food 9.70%
marinade 8.71%
sauce 5.72%
salad 5.47%
biotech 3.73%
quality 3.23%
bomb 2.49%
sarin 1.74%
cigarette 1.24%
glaze 1.24%
food + n. >>共 604
shortage 7.18%
aid 7.11%
supply 5.43%
price 3.88%
company 3.00%
product 2.59%
industry 2.07%
production 1.90%
safety 1.39%
store 1.32%
ingredient 0.27%
每页显示:    共 39