1.   Air travelers can enjoy stress-free trips if they follow a few guidelines.

2.   Air travelers can have stress-free trips if they follow a few simple guidelines.

3.   An industry-wide committee will monitor the ratings from time to time to determine whether the guidelines are being followed.

4.   If one follows these guidelines, the risk of hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia and their complications is reduced.

5.   Prospective software developers had to learn the secrets of the toolbox so they could follow the guidelines for human interface.

6.   The effects of the sun can be significantly reduced if we follow certain guidelines.

7.   But even when both parties have signed such an agreement, it can be impossible to enforce it in court if proper guidelines have not been followed.

8.   PLEASE follow these guidelines so that your manuscript may be handled expeditiously.

9.   It is not the case, he will readily admit, that people follow these guidelines to the letter.

10.   No, no, it becomes mandatory to follow the guidelines which are not mandatory.

v. + guideline >>共 285
follow 9.14%
issue 8.95%
set 5.74%
establish 4.33%
meet 3.35%
develop 3.31%
adopt 2.82%
have 2.82%
provide 2.63%
violate 2.43%
follow + n. >>共 1020
suit 6.02%
lead 1.99%
report 1.85%
meeting 1.75%
attack 1.72%
series 1.33%
rule 1.09%
example 1.08%
procedure 1.02%
death 1.02%
guideline 0.51%
每页显示:    共 187