1.   But all the while he was apparently planning the largest fiscal gimmick in New York State history.

2.   But that is only a fraction of what is needed, and his plan has been stalled by Hevesi, who has dismissed it as a fiscal gimmick.

3.   But the governor has balanced her budgets by using fiscal gimmicks, such as raiding state employee pension funds and refinancing debt.

4.   If the gaps continue to loom, officials usually have to cut services, raise taxes or employ fiscal gimmicks to balance the budget.

5.   In flush times, the state ought to be able to abandon its usual fiscal gimmicks.

6.   Some Democrats said they would have preferred to have raised income taxes temporarily rather than rely on what they characterized as fiscal gimmicks.

7.   The governor, by contrast, has faced his budgetary stringencies with a combination of cuts, tax increases and fiscal gimmicks.

8.   They are increasingly resorting to accounting tricks and fiscal gimmicks to preserve the appearance that both the anticipated surplus and the strict spending limits will remain intact.

9.   They have also resorted to fiscal gimmicks that are certain to create new budget problems next year.

10.   This newspaper has criticized her record of balancing budgets by relying on fiscal gimmicks, including raids on the state pension funds.

a. + gimmick >>共 164
marketing 14.63%
promotional 7.86%
new 4.34%
political 4.07%
accounting 3.79%
fiscal 2.98%
fund-raising 2.17%
advertising 1.63%
latest 1.63%
budgetary 1.63%
fiscal + n. >>共 600
policy 10.17%
deficit 5.49%
discipline 5.15%
conservative 4.06%
responsibility 3.25%
reform 3.04%
crisis 2.99%
stimulus 2.34%
austerity 2.11%
third-quarter 2.08%
gimmick 0.29%
每页显示:    共 11