1.   France had thus far been alone in urging firm timetables.

2.   Also, no firm timetable has yet been established.

3.   But Barkley would not set a firm timetable for an announcement on his future, in part, because of his knee.

4.   But sharp disagreement between rich and poor nations over an agenda precluded setting a firm timetable.

5.   But Rep. Martin Frost of Dallas said the presentations did not include any firm timetable for ending U.S. involvement.

6.   For all of the hopeful talk, however, there is no firm timetable yet for any of the major projects.

7.   Nor is there any indication that the administration is ready to set a firm timetable, with deadlines for specific actions by Iraq.

8.   Poland, like other countries in Eastern Europe, is unhappy that it is not being offered a firm timetable for full membership in NATO.

9.   Powell said Wednesday that the Israeli leader had presented a firm timetable for a pullout, but declined to offer details of it to the public.

10.   Reid seemed to resist the pressure, offering no firm timetable for ending the suspension, though speaking of a hope that it would not last past the weekend.

a. + timetable >>共 203
specific 9.32%
firm 6.82%
new 5.56%
original 3.89%
clear 3.76%
strict 3.48%
precise 2.50%
detailed 2.23%
definite 2.23%
accelerated 2.09%
firm + n. >>共 701
commitment 4.43%
date 3.61%
grip 3.31%
control 2.81%
believer 2.38%
action 2.27%
stand 1.83%
plan 1.83%
hand 1.83%
evidence 1.80%
timetable 1.34%
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