1.   Despite the heavy toll on the environment, it is the fire danger that worries rangers the most.

2.   However, this reduces efficiency, wastes heat and causes a fire danger.

3.   The theatrical smoke is fake... but the fire dangers are too real.

4.   At the same time, National Weather Service wildfire forecasters said a continuing drought was creating severe fire dangers in Arizona and New Mexico.

5.   Bischel cited the Quincy Library Group plan, a forestry initiative developed by small Sierra communities that emphasizes selective logging to reduce fire danger, as a better approach.

6.   A combination of record low fuel moistures and record high fire danger has convinced state and local officials that traffic on the road needed to be restricted.

7.   A months-long drought put the potential for fire danger at near-record levels.

8.   A high fire danger was also posted from east Texas along the Gulf Coast into parts of central Florida.

9.   But he moved from the third floor last fall, in part, because his mother was concerned about fire dangers.

10.   But environmentalists and loggers agreed that opening forests up to the logging of small trees would significantly reduce fire danger.

n. + danger >>共 106
fire 19.49%
health 14.70%
avalanche 8.95%
inflation 5.43%
radiation 2.24%
security 2.24%
day 1.92%
flood 1.60%
face 1.60%
relegation 1.60%
fire + n. >>共 619
official 11.64%
truck 10.92%
crew 4.00%
bomb 2.51%
hazard 2.51%
chief 2.24%
hose 2.20%
service 1.81%
fight 1.73%
worker 1.69%
danger 1.19%
每页显示:    共 61