1.   Some findings may prompt the investors to terminate negotiations and so should be reported as soon as discovered.

2.   And is this proudly proclaimed finding prompting parents and health-care agencies to overlook the real and often serious dental needs of millions of American children?

3.   Levine says the findings should prompt researchers to re-examine drugs abandoned as useless simply because they did not work in men-only trials.

4.   Such a finding would prompt concern the Bank of Japan might have room to raise interest rates.

5.   That finding has prompted the National Cancer Institute to recommend that the drug be used for only five years, not indefinitely.

6.   The finding prompted an investigation into all cases Zain handled in West Virginia and Texas.

7.   The findings have prompted London to reopen a formal inquiry on the Derbyshire, the largest British merchant ship ever lost at sea.

8.   The findings prompted Florida health officials to shut down the building.

9.   The finding prompted an investigation of the school property, located on the edge of town in an area rich with cornfields.

10.   The finding prompted the space agency to inspect and repair the wiring on the shuttles, starting with Discovery.

n. + prompt >>共 1135
attack 2.43%
incident 2.36%
move 2.23%
report 2.17%
case 1.78%
concern 1.49%
decision 1.36%
death 1.15%
announcement 0.97%
violence 0.95%
finding 0.52%
finding + v. >>共 359
be 27.39%
suggest 6.78%
have 3.46%
show 3.11%
indicate 3.00%
come 2.86%
help 2.82%
lead 2.65%
mean 1.87%
appear 1.80%
prompt 0.85%
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