1.   The deal came under fierce criticism from other American airlines.

2.   The prison system has been the object of fierce criticism.

3.   The government has come in for fierce criticism over its handling of this affair.

4.   The plans have already come in for fierce criticism in many quarters of the country.

5.   The use of Mururoa and Fangataufa atolls for the conducting of French nuclear tests continued to attract fierce criticism.

6.   There was fierce criticism of the government from centre-left opposition parties which accused it of aggravating conditions leading to the crisis by appeasing religious extremists.

7.   The GATT statement had drawn fierce criticism from US environmentalists and some Congressmen.

8.   The proposals have drawn fierce criticism from the Environmental Investigation Agency, which argues that EC funds would be better used to develop more environmental tourism in the region.

9.   A planned river diversion project has drawn fierce criticism from environmentalists.

10.   Amid fierce criticism of career politicians, eight states will vote on term limits for members of Congress next week.

a. + criticism >>共 663
international 6.83%
sharp 6.41%
public 4.82%
harsh 4.74%
strong 4.30%
widespread 3.91%
heavy 3.29%
growing 2.40%
intense 2.20%
mounting 2.18%
fierce 1.53%
fierce + n. >>共 679
competition 9.19%
battle 7.75%
opposition 4.52%
resistance 3.66%
debate 3.52%
wind 2.42%
criticism 2.30%
competitor 2.20%
clash 1.94%
attack 1.63%
每页显示:    共 95