1.   According to press reports the fighting erupted in early January when the two factions fought for control of villages in the districts of Kompong Svay and Stoeung.

2.   Another faction fought for diagonal avenues.

3.   After the Soviets left, mujahedeen factions fought for control of Kabul.

4.   All the factions were fighting together, the Palestinians said.

5.   But party factions are fighting over what to do.

6.   The factions fought furiously.

7.   Until recently, the factions were foolishly fighting among themselves.

8.   Ankara wants the Iraqi Kurds to crush the outlawed Kurdish Workers Party, or PKK, a separatist faction fighting the Turkish government from bases in northern Iraq.

9.   Armed bandits frequently attack motorists and rival factions fight for territory.

10.   But reports from Sarajevo said Saturday that warring factions already were fighting again.

n. + fight >>共 978
rebel 7.83%
group 4.49%
troop 4.34%
force 2.87%
guerrilla 2.59%
company 2.52%
soldier 2.23%
country 2.06%
government 1.77%
man 1.67%
faction 0.74%
faction + v. >>共 418
be 10.74%
agree 4.56%
have 3.72%
say 3.06%
clash 2.40%
fight 2.40%
hold 1.74%
battle 1.62%
claim 1.50%
turn 1.44%
每页显示:    共 40