1.   This is consistent with recent studies on attention focusing in eyewitness testimony.

2.   Some implications of these results for eyewitness testimony and for the psychology of driving are considered.

3.   An area in which much research on the effects of emotional stress or arousal on memory has been conducted is that of eyewitness testimony.

4.   But there is no shortage of eyewitness testimony laying out in skin-crawling detail the atrocities inflicted on the southern Sudanese.

5.   But the view that the attack was deliberate has always been the most compelling, supported by an overwhelming amount of factual data and eyewitness testimony.

6.   But there is no shortage of eyewitness testimony.

7.   But the only eyewitness testimony the defense had to contend with seemed to be that of Gerard Capano.

8.   Eyewitness testimony sealed the fate of the Big Bad Wolf.

9.   Ferguson, diagnosed as paranoid, badly disputed eyewitness testimony and said his gun was stolen by the real murderer after he had fallen asleep on the train.

10.   Eyewitness testimony.

n. + testimony >>共 101
court 17.71%
witness 16.46%
trial 13.06%
eyewitness 6.44%
defense 3.94%
police 3.40%
week 2.86%
deposition 2.68%
courtroom 2.50%
prosecution 2.33%
eyewitness + n. >>共 28
account 50.00%
report 17.01%
testimony 12.50%
identification 4.86%
description 2.08%
evidence 2.08%
corroboration 1.74%
interview 1.39%
statement 1.04%
sighting 0.69%
每页显示:    共 36