1.   But American officials said they expected the two officers to be extradited to The Hague for war crimes.

2.   Romania, meanwhile, wants the officers extradited to Bucharest, where they would face the death penalty.

3.   The two senior officers were extradited to The Hague, while the others were released.

4.   Belgrade authorities accuse the tribunal of being anti-Serb and claim that their constitution bars extraditing the officers.

5.   Canada says the seven officers could be extradited to Romania for trial.

6.   Despite pledging more cooperation with the U.N. court, Serbia has refused to extradite the officers for trial here.

7.   Meadows said the Canadian government, which wants to extradite the officers to Romania, said the accused would likely flee if released on bail.

8.   Romania claims it has a right to extradite the officers for trial based on a treaty with Canada.

9.   Romania wanted the officers extradited.

10.   The officers were subsequently extradited to The Hague, the seat of the international war crimes tribunal, for further investigation.

v. + officer >>共 678
kill 7.49%
injure 4.34%
say 3.74%
wound 3.08%
shoot 2.29%
charge 2.25%
include 2.20%
arrest 2.03%
accuse 1.98%
identify 1.56%
extradite 0.24%
extradite + n. >>共 108
suspect 28.90%
citizen 8.47%
man 7.31%
people 5.15%
national 4.32%
leader 3.99%
two 2.33%
officer 2.16%
trafficker 2.16%
terrorist 1.50%
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