1.   But now is not the time to be extolling the virtues of Anglo-Saxon shareholder capitalism.

2.   Since the war, each time the Conservative Party has come into power it has extolled the virtues of the Market.

3.   The appraiser went on for some time, extolling the virtues of the scholarship.

4.   The extreme western edge of the square has the now compulsory big city billboards extolling the virtues of consumerism.

5.   There is a habit of running down the competition rather than extolling the virtues of their own ranges.

6.   This man drinks alone, perhaps because he has driven away all his companions by extolling the virtues of his bank.

7.   Now experts are extolling the virtues of the humble potato.

8.   We have had several letters from readers extolling the virtues of ponies, and how many are having enormous fun with them.

9.   An article last year in Saveur magazine extolled the virtues of San Marzanos in particular.

v. + virtue >>共 148
extoll 14.61%
have 11.48%
make 9.74%
extol 7.65%
preach 5.04%
see 3.83%
tout 2.78%
learn 2.09%
promote 2.09%
praise 1.74%
extoll + n. >>共 75
virtue 45.65%
benefit 5.98%
value 2.72%
exploit 1.63%
record 1.63%
wonder 1.63%
importance 1.09%
glory 1.09%
joy 1.09%
history 1.09%
每页显示:    共 84