1.   Coun Davies added that the exploration contracts would be awarded in the New Year.

2.   But many exploration contracts were signed by foreign companies before oil prices slumped and apply to areas where costs are high and results have been disappointing.

3.   Chavez has promised to abide by past oil exploration contracts, but warned that he would review the terms of any coming privatizations.

4.   Repsol won exploration contracts for four of the five areas for which it presented bids.

5.   The contract caps two years of talks between Unocal and PetroVietnam, which has more experience negotiating oil exploration contracts rather than gas.

6.   Vintimilla said the delays made foreign oil companies reluctant to sign oil exploration contracts, though Amoco Corp. is expected to sign an association contract within a few weeks.

7.   Yet under the current exploration contract with Ecopetrol, BP must bear the brunt of all these costs.

8.   Another two exploration contracts are expected to be signed during the next few months with the American company Triton, Greek officials also announced.

9.   Both China and Vietnam have awarded oil exploration contracts to U.S. companies in disputed zones, and there is no indication that either side plans to rescind those contracts.

10.   Both China and Vietnam have awarded oil exploration contracts to U.S. companies in disputed zones, and there was no indication that either side plans to rescind those contracts.

n. + contract >>共 883
future 8.07%
one-year 8.00%
three-year 7.48%
two-year 5.97%
government 5.04%
five-year 3.89%
four-year 3.00%
labor 2.56%
television 1.63%
employment 1.54%
exploration 0.47%
exploration + n. >>共 128
company 15.25%
contract 6.29%
project 5.82%
activity 4.40%
right 4.25%
deal 3.14%
program 3.14%
cost 2.67%
work 2.36%
effort 2.36%
每页显示:    共 40