1.   Experienced teachers can show new teachers a trick or two.

2.   Experienced teachers can teach new teachers a trick or two.

3.   The coordinators are all experienced teachers who are responsible for working with their colleagues to develop new curriculum and programs.

4.   The Network also welcomes registration from experienced teachers willing to share their expertise with others.

5.   Experienced teachers help you learn quickly.

6.   Michael Walsh was interested as an experienced teacher who had the confidence to experiment with the video and the professional security to use it effectively.

7.   To fill in the gaps the usual band of trainers and experienced teachers will do their best to give you worthwhile sessions.

8.   Once again the Trainers will be assisted by experienced qualified teachers which will ensure that the Programme is as varied and balanced as possible.

9.   In an ideal world it would be wonderful to have two or three experienced teachers working together with one class.

10.   But even experienced teachers who run their own studios often attend summer workshops to brush up on their techniques or to learn new ones.

a. + teacher >>共 936
new 5.58%
english 5.49%
former 4.95%
good 3.27%
retired 2.41%
qualified 2.14%
best 1.35%
piano 1.33%
the 1.10%
young 1.08%
experienced 0.81%
experienced + n. >>共 823
player 4.18%
pilot 2.89%
hand 1.56%
team 1.48%
worker 1.37%
teacher 1.37%
people 1.29%
manager 1.18%
lawyer 1.10%
driver 1.06%
每页显示:    共 36