1.   Deciding - consciously or not - to expend energy involves a choice and an assessment of the total energy available.

2.   Some expend tremendous energy desperately trying to stop the clock.

3.   They do not want to expend energy in what, to them, is a lost cause.

4.   And the voice whispers, why do I expend so much energy?

5.   And just what Denver needed to make the Packer defense expend energy, much as the Broncos had in that long Green Bay drive just before halftime.

6.   Back then, Cartwright said, he and the other writers were actually performing when out drinking and carousing, and at the same time expending creative energy.

7.   Because considerable energy is expended on budget compilation every year, little attention can be paid to the examination of policies and systems that need to be reviewed.

8.   Because they do not expend energy producing seed caps, Softnecks can often produce multicloved bulbs even larger than those of the Hardnecks.

9.   Bergner clearly did exhaustive reporting and expended enormous energy to get his story.

10.   After several days, when I passed the exercise pavilion and saw people working out, I was mystified at their ability to expend such energy.

v. + energy >>共 385
have 8.56%
conserve 5.78%
use 4.06%
save 3.90%
focus 3.63%
provide 3.02%
devote 2.45%
produce 2.18%
put 1.91%
expend 1.75%
expend + n. >>共 39
energy 29.71%
effort 16.00%
lot 14.86%
resource 8.00%
capital 4.00%
money 2.86%
amount 2.29%
most 1.71%
ammunition 1.14%
fund 1.14%
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