1.   Before excusing the jurors, Judge Roger Kaufman of Maricopa County Superior Court offered them counseling services, acknowledging that the six-week trial had been highly emotional.

2.   Bonner, who excused jurors for family emergencies, has had little sympathy for other perceived woes.

3.   A fifth potential juror was excused before the process of challenges began because he had been a police officer in a nearby town.

4.   After the family had left the courtroom at one point, two jurors were briefly excused from the jury room with a sheriff for a cigarette break.

5.   Judge Richard Matsch excused jurors on Wednesday morning and will sentence Nichols to a life term or, possibly, a lesser sentence some time later this year.

6.   Jurors have been excused until Monday, when lawyers on both sides are expected to make their final arguments.

7.   Judge Richard Matsch excused jurors on Wednesday morning and will himself sentence Nichols to a life term or, possibly, a lesser sentence.

8.   Lawyers for Philip Morris Cos. and the other tobacco companies in the case used a limited number of so-called strikes to excuse potential jurors.

9.   Many prospective jurors are excused because they have no place to leave their children, Griller says.

10.   Peremptory challenges allow lawyers on opposing sides to excuse potential jurors without stating a reason.

v. + juror >>共 249
tell 9.34%
question 7.03%
dismiss 6.58%
sequester 3.02%
ask 3.02%
select 2.22%
remove 2.14%
instruct 2.14%
interview 2.14%
excuse 2.14%
excuse + n. >>共 159
juror 8.57%
absence 4.29%
behavior 3.93%
jury 3.93%
student 2.86%
expression 2.50%
man 2.14%
crime 1.79%
child 1.79%
woman 1.79%
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