1.   And when they arrived at the clinic, they usually waited an hour or more to get into an examining room.

2.   Ask them if they practice a certain faith and how comfortable they are bringing those beliefs into the examining room.

3.   Back in the examining room, Hunt waited while McClary looked over the pictures of her breasts.

4.   Beautiful people like basketball star Reggie Miller show up in his examining room.

5.   A doctor-in-training walks into the examining room and takes a seat in the chair opposite Sarah Edelman.

6.   A computer terminal is in every examining room.

7.   A similar study, providing stockbrokers with dogs and cats in the examining room, had the same results.

8.   A second area inside resembles an examining room, with stainless-steel countertops and sterile equipment.

9.   After greeting Mary, he escorts Jim into an examining room.

10.   After sending the little dog home as an outpatient, he returned to the examining room and called in the snake.

a. + room >>共 1271
small 4.32%
meeting 3.33%
same 3.33%
private 2.79%
next 2.32%
hearing 1.99%
large 1.96%
separate 1.76%
single 1.65%
training 1.64%
examining 0.52%
examining + n. >>共 34
magistrate 45.14%
room 25.14%
table 6.29%
body 2.29%
arm 1.71%
judge 1.71%
corpse 1.14%
doctor 1.14%
physician 1.14%
commitment 0.57%
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