1.   But that achievement can easily be overshadowed by the continuing ethics controversy.

2.   He is a Republican who has worked closely with Democrats on campaign finance overhaul and he had opposed Newt Gingrich as Speaker when he faced his own ethics controversy.

3.   House Republicans quickly closed ranks behind Gingrich and said his payment should put the ethics controversy to rest.

4.   In speech after speech, the Republican hammered away at ethics controversies surrounding the Clinton administration.

5.   Supporters of House Speaker Newt Gingrich argue that the ethics controversy surrounding him is politically motivated, and there may be some truth in that.

6.   But Chretien blames the undeclared campaigning for recent leaks that have contributed to an ethics controversy that forced him to reshuffle his Cabinet this week.

7.   But Chretien blames the undeclared campaigning for recent leaks that have contributed to an ethics controversy that forced him to reshuffle his Cabinet last week.

8.   Chretien blames the leadership race for recent damaging leaks which have contributed to an ethics controversy that forced him to reshuffle his Cabinet this week.

9.   Mr. Clinton has urged the nation to put recent ethics controversies behind it.

10.   Murdoch has been connected to Gingrich in an ongoing ethics controversy.

n. + controversy >>共 295
quarterback 20.72%
drug 4.70%
election 4.14%
campaign 2.49%
flag 1.66%
ethic 1.66%
abortion 1.52%
recount 1.24%
year 1.24%
court 1.10%
ethic + n. >>共 177
committee 24.11%
panel 8.32%
rule 7.47%
commission 4.79%
investigation 4.05%
law 3.95%
complaint 3.89%
violation 3.42%
charge 2.79%
code 2.37%
controversy 0.63%
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