1.   Although he has a reputation for abrasiveness, Specter endures the humiliations of the campaign trail with relatively good humor.

2.   And she has had to endure the humiliation of allegations that her husband has a roving eye.

3.   Coming immediately after Russia endured the humiliation of watching the NATO military alliance advance nearly to its borders, the political freight was especially heavy for Yeltsin.

4.   During the Ames affair, the CIA had to endure the humiliation of being investigated by its rivals at the FBI.

5.   For Barkley, it was twice in nine days he has endured public humiliation.

6.   He can endure the humiliation of congressional censure and serve out his term with his authority and prestige sharply diminished.

7.   He also endured the humiliation of listening to the Japanese national anthem and watching the raising of the Japanese flag during the medal ceremony.

8.   He was in and out of prison and once endured the humiliation of the pillory.

9.   I simply did not want to endure the humiliation of having the professor scold me in front of the class.

10.   Once upon a time, kids responded to bullies by passively enduring the humiliation or by standing up to their tormentors in an old-fashioned schoolyard fistfight.

v. + humiliation >>共 71
suffer 13.53%
avoid 12.56%
face 8.21%
endure 6.76%
risk 5.31%
bring 2.90%
avenge 1.93%
have 1.93%
bear 1.93%
escape 1.93%
endure + n. >>共 523
pain 3.66%
hardship 2.69%
criticism 1.95%
abuse 1.46%
condition 1.30%
lot 1.30%
loss 1.30%
year 1.22%
series 1.22%
share 1.14%
humiliation 1.14%
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