1.   For this effect to occur, the care giver attending a laboring woman needs special skills and insights.

2.   Later we will argue that some indirect effects occur due to cross-level interactions with chaotic population dynamics.

3.   Precisely similar effects occur in the large strain torsion of a rubber.

4.   The same effect occurs in cattle, though cattle belch out surplus methane.

5.   We have in a causal circumstance by itself a complete answer to the question of why an effect occurred.

6.   We shall be seeing that quantum effects can occur over distances of many metres, or even light years.

7.   Within the Northern Hemisphere both these effects occur, with a marked decline in per capita gross national produce between high and low latitudes.

8.   Another model allows for partisan effects to occur even in the presence of rational expectations.

9.   Hypothetically, such an effect could have occurred in our experiments using diets that differed in their fat composition.

10.   If the condition requires frequent hospital admissions and a restriction of physical activity, further adverse effects may occur.

n. + occur >>共 919
incident 6.74%
accident 6.06%
attack 4.78%
explosion 4.08%
blast 2.84%
death 2.35%
shooting 2.24%
problem 1.82%
crash 1.75%
injury 1.56%
effect 0.18%
effect + v. >>共 293
be 68.64%
have 1.82%
last 1.59%
seem 1.11%
include 1.07%
occur 0.94%
wear_off 0.81%
become 0.81%
linger 0.78%
come 0.59%
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