1.   Its main cause in adults is severe drug reaction.

2.   Fortunately, my team-mates diagnosed a drug reaction.

3.   An allergic drug reaction last spring almost killed him as he was prepared for heart surgery.

4.   Basic researchers soon began tweaking other nerve pathways involved in vision, language, learning, hormone responses and drug reactions.

5.   - Research into the molecular basis of unpredictable, rare but life-threatening drug reactions.

6.   A typical person has thousands of SNPs, most of which are inconsequential, but some can predispose one to a disease, or to adverse drug reactions.

7.   Doctors or users are required first to identify as a drug reaction problems that may have been omitted from the product warning sheet.

8.   Heavy use of medicine sometimes results in drug reactions.

9.   Hospitalization can be hazardous for elderly patients whose treatment is complicated by adverse drug reactions, poor nutrition or indifferent care.

10.   In fact, hospitals may have to do more monitoring for adverse drug reactions, if pending new federal regulations are approved.

n. + reaction >>共 227
market 16.37%
government 7.13%
audience 5.03%
drug 3.98%
investor 3.86%
gut 3.39%
crowd 3.04%
fan 2.92%
consumer 2.81%
stress 2.46%
drug + n. >>共 541
company 5.40%
use 5.37%
trafficker 5.22%
dealer 4.60%
test 3.79%
trade 2.64%
charge 2.46%
abuse 2.39%
addict 2.07%
user 1.82%
reaction 0.11%
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