1.   Fewer seem aware that tweezers, cuticle scissors, cigar cutters, nail clippers, crochet needles, and disposable razors fit the definition.

2.   Gillette is digging itself out of a hole with women much as it extricated itself from a sales debacle with disposable razors six years ago.

3.   He also said the company had ignored entry-level disposable razors, like Gillette Good News, allowing rivals to steal market share.

4.   In a disposable world of disposable razors, electronics and the other debris of our consumer culture, White is a throwback.

5.   In addition to food, the U.S. relief effort should include airdropping disposable razors and sample bottles of Aqua Velva, attached to little parachutes.

6.   In the past, many women have shown a preference for cheap shaving products, often using disposable razors or razors made for men.

7.   Kilts has gone out of his way to target improvement in the disposable razor business, and there is some early signs of improvement.

8.   Marriages are discarded as easily as disposable razors.

9.   Newly forbidden items include knitting needles, baseball and cricket bats, plastic knives, pool cues, darts, silverware, toy guns, catapults and disposable razors.

10.   Passengers will be allowed to take nail clippers, tweezers, eyelash curlers and safety razors, including disposable razors.

a. + razor >>共 49
disposable 19.10%
sharp 14.61%
new 5.62%
selling 3.37%
throwaway 3.37%
next 2.25%
first 2.25%
plastic 2.25%
two-bladed 2.25%
chinese-made 1.12%
disposable + n. >>共 173
income 32.02%
diaper 10.84%
camera 9.85%
syrinx 2.83%
product 2.71%
razor 2.09%
nappy 1.72%
lens 1.60%
aluminum 0.99%
cash 0.99%
每页显示:    共 17