1.   Even after many years in sanitary landfills, disposable diapers have proven to be resistant to decomposition.

2.   Along with empty sardine tins and used disposable diapers that are now distributed by some agencies, the aid has added substantially to the waste.

3.   Also, Drypers arrived in Latin America when disposable diapers were becoming more accepted and more affordable.

4.   Among the most notable industries to turn to science for help are the makers of disposable diapers.

5.   As a result, it was a decade before a grandfather named Victor Mills perfected Pampers, the first mass-produced disposable diaper.

6.   At lightning speed, mammoth sewing machines shoot aloe vera or baking soda into the lining of disposable diapers.

7.   At the same time, other studies showed that disposable diapers tended to improve health and cleanliness in infants.

8.   Bags of disposable diapers, clothing, and linens were shoved behind the ten generators that had been loaded earlier, bound for Man of War Cay.

9.   BBA and International Paper both want Holvis for its Fiberweb unit because it is expected to benefit from increased demand for disposable diapers and medical products.

10.   Believers in disposable diapers used to have a strong case that cloth diapers took more time to put on.

a. + diaper >>共 73
disposable 36.97%
dirty 10.08%
adult 5.88%
soiled 3.78%
changing 3.36%
free 2.94%
used 2.10%
larger 1.68%
first 1.68%
old 1.26%
disposable + n. >>共 173
income 32.02%
diaper 10.84%
camera 9.85%
syrinx 2.83%
product 2.71%
razor 2.09%
nappy 1.72%
lens 1.60%
aluminum 0.99%
cash 0.99%
每页显示:    共 87