1.   An increase in the planned share price last week might also have discouraged some investors.

2.   And that could discourage investors at a time when the outlook for earnings next year is mixed.

3.   Argentine stocks fell for the second day on concerns rising U.S. interest rates would discourage investors from putting money into the country.

4.   Bad news on corporate earnings could discourage investors from buying yen to put their money in Japanese stocks.

5.   At the time, one stock analyst suggested that by making the spinoff so complex, Malone discouraged investors and wound up with more Liberty shares for himself.

6.   Bank stocks could also fall, as rising interest rates discourage investors from borrowing.

7.   Boosting that rate, in effect, encourages investors to hold rubles and discourages investors who have rubles from selling them for dollars.

8.   A stronger dollar -- and weaker yen -- discourages foreign investors from buying Japanes beinvestments is eroded when changed back into dollars.

9.   A stronger dollar and weaker yen discourages foreign investors, who see the repatriated value of their investments eroded when converted into other currencies.

10.   A stronger dollar discourages foreign investors from buying yen bonds by eroding the repatriated value of their investments.

v. + investor >>共 654
attract 10.79%
lure 4.63%
say 2.73%
reassure 2.42%
draw 2.36%
discourage 2.22%
keep 2.16%
disappoint 2.00%
protect 1.86%
encourage 1.83%
discourage + n. >>共 845
people 6.22%
investor 5.27%
investment 4.46%
use 3.09%
company 2.43%
speculation 1.16%
country 1.09%
child 1.09%
woman 1.02%
practice 0.91%
每页显示:    共 149