1.   Israel has been urging Arafat to disarm the militants.

2.   Plans are afoot to disarm Islamic militants in Dagestan, who have been increasingly active in recent months.

3.   The rebel military commander, Andr Kissasse, said the force must disarm the militants, who have been lobbing mortar shells into Goma during the past week.

4.   PLO leader Yasser Arafat assured Egyptian leaders Tuesday that Palestinian troops could disarm Muslim militants in the Gaza Strip, an Egyptian official said.

5.   Abu Medein said the decision to disarm the militants grew out of a meeting between Arafat and his security chiefs which lasted until dawn Tuesday.

6.   Earlier Tuesday, Arafat assured Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak that Palestinian troops could disarm Muslim militants.

7.   Gun battles erupted between police and ethnic militants in several violent neighborhoods of southern Karachi early Monday when police tried to disarm the militants.

8.   Gunfire and grenade explosions sounded Wednesday as President Sylvestre Ntibantunganya toured two embattled neighborhoods where the army is trying to disarm Hutu militants.

9.   He said the Palestinians must arrest the assassins of Zeevi and turn them over, disarm militants and crush rogue groups that have been attacking Israel.

10.   In Jerusalem, Israeli Cabinet ministers called on Arafat to take more steps to disarm the militants and stop terrorist attacks.

v. + militant >>共 327
kill 13.99%
arrest 8.75%
train 3.43%
blame 3.36%
support 3.09%
arm 2.87%
fight 2.41%
suspect 2.04%
accuse 1.81%
disarm 1.81%
disarm + n. >>共 163
militia 6.91%
militant 6.37%
group 5.84%
rebel 5.71%
fighter 4.65%
force 3.59%
bomb 2.79%
population 2.26%
opponent 2.26%
soldier 2.12%
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