1.   Second Set, whose disappointing fourth in the race last year was blamed on soft ground, could also be pulled out.

2.   Free House, who ran a disappointing fourth, did not have a future plan in place.

3.   Friesinger has only disappointment, leaving the Utah Olympic Oval with a disappointing fourth in the race she was supposed to win.

4.   He came so close in Nagano, but finished a disappointing fourth in his second Olympics.

5.   With a reputation as a maverick and fiscal conservative, Wachs made his third try for mayor this year but finished a disappointing fourth.

6.   Canada finished a disappointing fourth in Nagano.

7.   Defending class champions Mark Reynolds and Hal Haenel of the United States were a disappointing fourth.

8.   Dragila, the Olympic and World champion, was a disappointing fourth.

9.   Foster finished a disappointing fourth.

10.   The other American team of Gordy Sheer of Lake Placid, and Chris Thorpe of Marquette, Mich., who won silver at Nagano, finished a disappointing fourth.

a. + fourth >>共 78
distant 16.03%
finishing 11.81%
disappointing 6.33%
finished 5.49%
fiscal 5.06%
season-high 4.22%
joint 2.95%
ranked 2.95%
batting 1.69%
entire 1.69%
disappointing + n. >>共 388
earnings 13.85%
result 10.17%
season 8.53%
performance 4.34%
sale 4.07%
profit 3.44%
year 2.07%
news 1.80%
loss 1.76%
start 1.68%
fourth 0.59%
每页显示:    共 15