1.   Diplomats doubt that the United States will be able to hold back a tide in the Security Council against the existing systems set up to curb Saddam.

2.   Some diplomats doubt that the Russians will push their resolution to a vote because they would probably be supported only by China, and this would be embarrassing.

3.   Western diplomats doubt that Russia will give up trying to influence and profit from development of oil fields in the former Soviet republics to its south.

4.   Council diplomats doubt any strong alternatives will emerge until the United States vetoes Boutros-Ghali in the first round.

5.   Diplomats doubt the new Turkish government could afford to make concessions on the Cyprus issue.

6.   Diplomats doubt the same maneuver would work against Boutros-Ghali.

7.   European diplomats doubt the revolving fund account will win support because it would mean some countries would end up paying more to cover the loss of U.S funds.

8.   European diplomats doubt the revolving fund account will win support because it would mean some countries would end up paying more to cover the loss of American funds.

9.   For that reason, U.N. diplomats doubt the Security Council will line up behind Washington in the latest crisis with Iraq.

10.   Mobutu is battling prostate cancer, and some diplomats doubt he has the strength to handle grueling negotiations or even to travel out of Zaire for such talks.

n. + doubt >>共 224
analyst 17.27%
expert 9.76%
people 7.32%
official 5.27%
investor 3.41%
observer 3.12%
trader 3.02%
critic 2.15%
economist 2.15%
scientist 1.95%
diplomat 1.27%
diplomat + v. >>共 587
say 48.91%
be 5.67%
meet 1.36%
tell 1.23%
try 1.00%
believe 0.97%
visit 0.89%
suggest 0.84%
have 0.82%
work 0.81%
doubt 0.16%
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