1.   A lot of things in a lot of different categories.

2.   Considers the relationship between housing potential, urban quality and sustainable development for different categories of housing developments.

3.   Give five different categories of hotel.

4.   Of the five different categories of troops all except for allies are covered by the list in this book.

5.   Since there are many different categories of debt issues, there are many different possible types of yield curves.

6.   The different categories of books were all mixed together.

a. + category >>共 703
new 5.98%
same 4.97%
different 4.06%
major 3.65%
broad 3.51%
second 2.81%
latter 2.64%
the 2.60%
separate 2.03%
statistical 1.55%
different + n. >>共 1053
way 3.56%
kind 2.51%
story 2.01%
type 1.82%
approach 1.73%
view 1.62%
part 1.49%
thing 1.37%
time 1.23%
direction 1.12%
category 0.25%
每页显示:    共 119