1.   A crucial difference of interpretation lies here.

2.   But it was at the business end where the main difference lay.

3.   The difference lies only in the cultural pattern with which the children associates.

4.   Wherein lies the difference between conservatism and liberalism?

5.   In fact the concept of subjective risk is surprisingly similar in both theories, the differences lie largely in the role it is assigned in the control of behaviour.

6.   The difference lies in the extent to which the speaker helps the hearer in recovering it.

7.   The difference lies in the capacity for providing or performing all these functions.

8.   And therein lies the difference between what transpired Monday and your garden-variety sporting event, which produces a clear-cut winner and loser.

9.   At least three basic differences lie behind the increasingly stark contrast between attitudes at the European Central Bank and the Fed.

10.   But it is in the ending that the chief difference apparently lies.

n. + lie >>共 1905
body 4.21%
problem 3.38%
answer 3.28%
man 1.32%
future 1.17%
fault 1.13%
responsibility 0.97%
challenge 0.95%
solution 0.89%
people 0.89%
difference 0.74%
difference + v. >>共 340
be 69.00%
remain 5.69%
emerge 1.18%
exist 1.15%
come 1.00%
have 0.99%
make 0.96%
lie 0.86%
seem 0.72%
become 0.70%
每页显示:    共 54