1.   And prosecution, rather than deterring violence, may in fact beget retaliation.

2.   Baca said a county ordinance would help deter gang violence, the suppression of which he pledged to make his top priority as sheriff.

3.   British officials said that London had already concluded that a stronger policy is needed to try to deter further violence by Milosevic against the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

4.   However, many Miami Valley teen-agers interviewed at the Dayton Mall on Tuesday said the new rule is unnecessary, and would do little to deter violence.

5.   In a speech on Thursday in New Orleans, Clinton urged more cities and towns to consider imposing curfews to deter juvenile violence.

6.   Law enforcement agencies say mandatory tagging could solve crimes and deter violence.

7.   Police officers will be at the airport to deter possible violence, Shapiro said.

8.   Peace force soldiers were at the scene Monday to deter further violence, said NATO spokesman Maj. Chris Riley.

9.   And some public schools require students to wear uniforms with innocuous colors to deter gang violence.

10.   As in numerous recent marches in Caracas, the capital, hundreds of police and National Guard troops stood guard to keep the demonstrations apart and deter violence.

v. + violence >>共 558
end 6.15%
prevent 5.30%
stop 5.23%
report 4.14%
use 4.00%
condemn 3.01%
fear 2.74%
renounce 2.66%
curb 2.59%
quell 2.18%
deter 0.40%
deter + n. >>共 516
crime 7.07%
attack 6.94%
investor 5.58%
people 3.97%
investment 2.11%
criminal 2.05%
violence 1.98%
company 1.30%
use 1.18%
aggression 1.18%
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