1.   And this particular design feature led to a major problem that no one had really anticipated.

2.   Are we looking for sincerity, value for money, and good design features?

3.   One design feature I did like was incorporating the heater in the filter compartment.

4.   The aircraft has some Novel design features.

5.   The book also looks at costings, materials, design features plus the legal and financial angles of building your own home.

6.   The building incorporates many interesting design features.

7.   The cavalier dismissal of a major design feature of the building can not have been easy to accept.

8.   The electric windows are an important design feature of this model.

n. + feature >>共 536
safety 16.75%
security 7.84%
weather 4.89%
design 3.09%
search 1.94%
water 1.65%
news 1.22%
luxury 0.79%
product 0.79%
entertainment 0.72%
design + n. >>共 585
team 5.15%
change 3.87%
firm 3.44%
work 2.91%
flaw 2.59%
company 2.56%
process 2.27%
house 2.09%
studio 1.81%
problem 1.74%
feature 1.53%
每页显示:    共 43