1.   Their universe hangs on a brush of skin, a few grains of desert sand, a single candle flame.

2.   He could see people and creatures on the ground below, and in the distance shapes moved under the desert sands.

3.   And there were thousands of radioactive rounds of depleted uranium spread out over the desert sands of Iraq and Kuwait.

4.   Based on recent financial reports, the eventual cost could cause a collapse, like a castle of desert sand.

5.   Beyond the sizzling white desert sands, along the hazy horizon, people could discern the long-lost Garden of Eden.

6.   But in the world of Gus Pagonis, a former lieutenant general in the U.S. Army, the work of leadership is as gritty as the desert sand.

7.   But Heliopolis is destined to join the desert sands if the salty below-ground waters are not stopped.

8.   Desert sands long ago swallowed up the hanging gardens that were among the wonders of the ancient world.

9.   Do you believe in a world in which aliens walk the desert sands and the government is efficiently manipulative?

10.   Eight years ago he was ground into the desert sands by a coalition of nations, American-organized and -led.

n. + sand >>共 56
desert 30.22%
beach 16.48%
tar 8.79%
river 4.95%
silica 3.30%
sea 2.75%
time 1.65%
mine 1.10%
flour-fine 1.10%
bottom 1.10%
desert + n. >>共 490
region 3.82%
area 3.12%
floor 2.88%
island 2.83%
sand 2.60%
kingdom 2.55%
sun 2.46%
state 2.12%
air 1.94%
town 1.89%
每页显示:    共 55