1.   Immigrants will be deported immediately if they have ever been convicted of any felony.

2.   Another part of the new law expanded the list of crimes for which immigrants can be deported.

3.   Ashcroft said a Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force will be responsible for rounding up and deporting immigrants bent on harming American citizens.

4.   After World War I, the federal government arrested radicals and leftists without warrants and deported immigrants who were not citizens.

5.   But the INS routinely deports undocumented immigrants who lose lower court decisions unless the appeals court issues an order to suspend actions.

6.   Congress passed a law last year making it easier to deport illegal immigrants and to turn away certain people at the border.

7.   He and Zedillo also signed a joint statement on immigration, an especially sensitive issue because of a new US law that makes it easier to deport illegal immigrants.

8.   However, Bergeron said the INS had no choice but to deport illegal immigrants if they did not qualify for political asylum.

9.   However, they have not yet determined whether the immigrants should be deported.

10.   If an immigrant cannot be deported, he said, the government should release him unless it persuades a court otherwise.

v. + immigrant >>共 385
smuggle 3.74%
deport 3.63%
detain 2.87%
hire 2.55%
carry 2.49%
blame 2.33%
help 2.17%
bring 2.06%
keep 1.79%
attract 1.57%
deport + n. >>共 141
immigrant 11.32%
man 5.41%
alien 5.07%
foreigner 4.73%
thousand 4.39%
group 3.38%
people 3.21%
refugee 3.04%
hundred 2.20%
migrant 2.20%
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