1.   The story of the dental work was a typical shopping-bag lady fantasy.

2.   Amis says A.S. Byatt, who criticized his dental work along with his marriage problems and his book deal, wrote him an apologetic letter.

3.   Birnbach imagined an invention that would eliminate a lot of dental work.

4.   Bush had dental work done on Saturday morning.

5.   But Cavanaugh had none of the risk factors for endocarditis, like a damaged heart valve, recent dental work or invasive medical procedures.

6.   Clennett promised to send a bill to the federal government for the cost of repairing the dental work.

7.   For instance, the trust may cover dental work.

8.   For most people, traffic tickets are as welcome as dental work.

9.   Force, his dental work completed, was up to the challenge.

10.   Hard to swallow for a guy staking his musical future, or at least a talk-show sound bite, on the quality of his dental work.

a. + work >>共 1214
hard 12.26%
new 3.27%
good 2.15%
best 1.26%
volunteer 1.16%
extra 1.08%
part-time 1.06%
legal 1.00%
real 0.88%
detective 0.88%
dental 0.39%
dental + n. >>共 213
record 16.04%
care 7.39%
work 5.46%
school 3.27%
surgery 3.19%
treatment 2.94%
office 2.43%
problem 2.43%
appointment 2.10%
practice 1.93%
每页显示:    共 65